Quelle: Fotograf
Burg Staufenberg
Springbrunnen am Busecker Schloss
Burgmauer Sachsenring Nordeck
Reiskirchen Burkhardsfelden
Schloss Friedelhausen
Blick auf Staufenberg und Lollar
Pavillion im Burggarten Rabenau
Paavo Blåfield, ©Lahntal Tourismus Verband e.V.
Anna Erb, ©Gießener Lahntäler
Anna Erb, ©Gießener Lahntäler
©Fotogruppe im Kulturring Allendorf
Ralf Bender, ©Gemeinde Reiskirchen
Jürgen Schmidt-Lohmann, ©Lahntal Tourismus Verband e.V.
Jan Bosch, ©Lahntal Tourismus Verband e.V.
Jörg Schneider, ©Gemeinde Rabenau
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Explore the Giessener Lahntäler

Four valleys – endless experiences

Discover the three valleys of Lumda, Wieseck and Salzböde along the river Lahn near Giessen, in the heart of central hesse. The diverse landscape of waters, valleys and hill crests offers many opportunities. Enjoy your leisure or holiday time and be active or simply take a break from your everyday life. You will find inspiring culture by local artists and a broad range of galleries, markets and regional art craft. In fact, the Giessener Lahntäler have a long cultural heritage. For more than 200 years artists have found their inspiration in our valleys. The region around the villages of Allendorf (Lumda), Buseck, Lollar, Rabenau, Reiskirchen and Staufenberg is looking forward to your visit!

A calendar full of events

The Giessener Lahntäler has a calendar full of events ranging from local festivities, concerts, book readings, theater performances, exhibitions and so much more. There is so much to discover!

Burg Staufenberg Open Air

Explore & discover

Discover your favorite place


Plan your stay

Genießen in den Gießener Lahntälern

Food & Drink
Time to enjoy and relax



Learn more about the home of the Giessener Lahntäler and the places in the Lahn, Lumda, Wieseck and Salzbode Valleys.

Be active

Day tours and long distance trails

Day trips and long distance routes

Play golf in the countryside

Buy local

Dairy products, vegetables, baked goods, sausage & meat … all fresh from the region.