
About us

Tourist Working Group Giessener Lahntäler

The Tourist Working Group Giessener Lahntäler is an association of the six municipalities Allendorf (Lumda), Buseck, Lollar, Reiskirchen, Rabenau and Staufenberg for the purpose of tourism promotion.

The project thrust is supported through LEADER from funding from the European Union and the state of Hesse and aims to achieve a balanced spatial development of the rural economy and rural communities, including the creation and preservation of jobs.

The area in the north of Giessen already has much to offer in terms of tourism and local recreation. The existing potentials are to be strengthened and marketed supra-regionally. In addition, the organizational structures required by the state to promote tourism are to be established in the long term and the attractiveness of the region is to be increased by developing offers such as cycling and hiking trails or cultural offerings.

The current seat of the tourism working group is the town of Staufenberg.

Zusammenschluss Nordkreiskommunen


Stadt Staufenberg
TAK Gießener Lahntäler
Tarjanplatz 1
35460 Staufenberg

Phone +49 (0) 6406 809 24

Your contact person

Anna Erb
Projectmanagement TAK Giessener Lahntäler

Phone +49 (0) 6406 809 24