
Hiking Survey – Be a part of it too.

–the survey is only available in german–

The German Hiking Association is conducting a nationwide survey on hiking until September 15. The whole thing is taking place on the occasion of the “Wanderbares Grünes Band” project.

This is where you come in: We want to find out your personal expectations of a good hiking experience along the Green Belt. Help us and be part of the development of a hiking trail concept.

Survey Link: https://wanderbaresgruenesband.limequery.org/626718?lang=de

Hiking offers the ideal opportunity to get to know the Green Belt natural area and its cultural and historical significance, as a former border area. Experiencing nature on foot provides access for this unique heritage.

Further information about the project can be found here: https://www.wanderverband.de/gruenes-band

Wanderweg am Grünen Band